Our Services Teeth Whitening

A brighter smile can take years off of your appearance. Stains from wine, tea, coffee, dark foods, and some medication may age a smile over time. Eliminating these stains completely transforms a person's image. With professional whitening your teeth will sparkle like they did years ago. Many of our patients use take-home teeth whitening kits to indefinitely maintain a gleaming smile. Take-home kits come with custom molded mouth trays and professional strength bleaching gel. The mouth trays are reusable, and you can order bleaching gel from our office at any time.

Dr. Hendrix does caution that bleaching systems may produce some levels of tooth sensitivity, typically to cold. Take-home mouth trays allow you to judge, monitor and adjust the amount of bleaching and sensitivity you may experience. We recommend that you begin with a smaller dose and evaluate your sensitivity over the next day. Increase your bleaching levels slowly, and reduce it if any sensitivity is experienced.

Certain toothpastes such as Sensodyne can relieve sensitivity. At home, we recommend applying the toothpaste for sensitivity to your teeth for 5-10 minutes. 


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