Preventive Dentistry Regular Dental Cleanings
Regular Dental Check-UpsA professional dental cleaning at least twice a year is an important step in maintaining your oral health. It is designed to preserve health, prevent the spread of disease and give Dr. Hendrix an opportunity to locate other areas in the mouth that may need attention.
People with healthy teeth and gums typically do not experience soreness after a cleaning. Those with less-than-perfect oral hygiene habits may experience discomfort or heightened sensitivity during a dental cleaning. Dr. Hendrix can use a topical or local anesthetic before the cleaning to alleviate pain.
Your Dental Cleaning Visit
Diagnostic services may include:
- Reviewing and updating medical history, including heart problems, cancer treatment, pregnancy, diabetes, joint replacement, medications, surgeries or any other major changes in health history
- Blood pressure check
- Oral cancer examination and screening
- Evaluation of gum tissue
- Checking biting, chewing and swallowing patterns
- X-rays, examination of teeth to detect decay
- Treatment planning
- Referral to specialists for specific treatment
Preventive services may include:
- Removal of plaque and tartar
- Stain removal
- Fluoride application
- Sealants
- Polishing of fillings or crowns
Educational services may include:
- Tooth brushing and flossing instructions
- Nutritional counseling
- Recommendations for future treatment: when to return for following hygiene treatment, periodontal (gum) concerns, restorative options, etc.
- Evaluation of possible cosmetic enhancements
- Evaluation of self-care effectiveness
- Tobacco-cessation counseling